B2B Sales

What is a Digital Sales Room?

Suppose you want to improve your sales process, have better conversion rates, and deliver a perfect customer experience. In that case, consider using a digital sales room.

A digital sales room (DSR) is a virtual and collaborative workspace where you can showcase your products or services, engage with your prospects and customers, and close more deals faster. It is like a personalized website or landing page (which you can create with only a few clicks most of the time!) for each deal, where you can share relevant content, videos, demos, testimonials, pricing, contracts, and more.

A digital sales room allows you to:

  • Provide a tailored and interactive presentation of your value proposition
  • Track and measure the engagement and behaviour of your prospects and customers
  • Communicate and collaborate with them in real-time via chat, video calls, or comments
  • Automate and streamline the follow-up and closing process
  • Collect feedback and insights to optimize your sales strategy

This guide will explain how a digital sales room works, why you should use one, and the best practices to create and operate a digital sales room effectively.

How does a digital sales room work?

People usually create a digital sales room using a software platform to design, customize, and share virtual sales rooms with prospects and customers. You can make multiple sales rooms for different deals, segments, or sales cycle stages.

To create a digital sales room, you need to:

  • Choose a template or design your layout
  • Add your branding, logo, colors, and maybe fonts
  • Upload or create your content, such as slides, videos, documents, images, etc.
  • Add interactive elements like buttons, forms, polls, quizzes, etc.
  • Set up your communication channels, such as chat, video calls, or comments
  • Configure your analytics and notifications, such as views, clicks, time spent, etc.
  • Share your salesroom link with your prospects and customers via email, social media, or SMS.

Once you have created and shared your digital sales room, you can:

  • Monitor the engagement and behaviour of your prospects and customers
  • Interact with them in real-time via chat, video calls, or comments
  • Send automated reminders and follow-ups based on their actions
  • Update your content and offers dynamically based on their feedback
  • Send and sign contracts and proposals electronically
  • Close more deals faster and easier

Why use a digital sales room?

A digital sales room can help you improve your sales performance and customer satisfaction in many ways. Here are some of the benefits of using a digital sales room:

  • It helps you stand out by providing a unique and personalized sales experience.
  • It helps you showcase your value proposition more engagingly and convincingly.
  • It helps you wow your prospects and customers by communicating and collaborating with them in real time.
  • It helps you reduce your sales cycle and increase the conversion rates by eliminating friction and delays in the sales process.
  • It helps you save time and resources by automating and streamlining the sales tasks.
  • It helps you collect valuable data and insights to improve your sales strategy and improve your results.

Best practices for using a digital sales room

You need to follow some best practices to get the most out of your digital sales room. Here are some tips to help you create and use a digital sales room effectively. Attention! These bring success:

  • Know your audience: Before creating your sales room, you need to understand who your target is, what their pain points are, what their goals are, and how your product or service can help them. This way, you can tailor your content and offer to their needs and preferences.
  • Keep it simple: Your sales room should be easy to navigate, understand, and use. Avoid cluttering it with too much information or unnecessary elements. Use clear headings, bullet points, images, and videos to summarise the text and highlight the key points. Use simple language and avoid technical terms.
  • Make it interactive: Your sales room should not be a passive presentation of your product or service. It should be a two-way conversation where you can engage with your prospects and customers. Use interactive elements like buttons, forms, polls, quizzes, etc., to capture their attention, interest, and feedback. Use the chat, video calls, or comments to communicate and collaborate with them in real time.
  • Update it regularly: Your sales room should be dynamic and unique. It should be a dynamic and ongoing process where you can update your content and offers based on your prospects' and customers' feedback and behavior. Use analytics and notifications to track and measure their engagement and actions. Use automation and personalization to send relevant reminders and follow-ups.
  • Test and optimize: Your sales room should be something other than guesswork or a one-size-fits-all solution. It should be a data-driven and optimized strategy where you can test all different variables and see which one works better for your audience. Make A/B tests to compare versions of your sales room. Use analytics and insights to identify what works well and what needs improvement.
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Some additional tips for using a digital sales room

I would also like to share some additional tips that might help you create and use a digital sales room more effectively:

  • Use Forward as your digital sales room platform: Forward is a powerful software that allows you to create stunning and interactive digital sales rooms in minutes. You can choose from expert-made templates or design your layout. You can add almost any content or element you want. You can communicate and collaborate with your prospects and customers via chat or video calls. You can track and measure their behavior via analytics. You can send proposals via Forward. You can also integrate Forward with other tools like CRM, email marketing, social media, etc.
  • Use writing assistants: Google Gemini and ChatGPT are AI-powered writing assistants that help you write better content faster. You can use both for your digital sales room content to generate ideas, headlines, introductions, conclusions, bullet points, etc. For your digital sales room content, you can also use them both to check your grammar, spelling, punctuation, tone, and style.

The Future of Digital Sales Rooms

Digital sales rooms are still a relatively new technology, but they are quickly becoming an essential tool for sales reps. Digital sales rooms will become even more critical as the sales world evolves.

In the future, digital sales rooms will likely become more personalized, interactive, and data-driven. Sales reps can use digital sales rooms to create a more customized experience for each buyer. They will also be able to use interactive content to engage buyers and keep them interested. And they can use data to track their progress and make better decisions.


Digital sales rooms are a powerful tool for sales reps who want to increase sales and build better relationships with buyers. Following the tips and best practices outlined in this guide, you can create a digital sales room to help you achieve your sales goals.

Additional Resources

Please email me if you have any further questions about digital sales rooms.

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