Say Hello to Our Newest Feature - The Approval Widget! ✅

We've got some exciting news to share with you today – introducing the Approval Widget! 🎉 This nifty little tool is here to make your life easier, whether you're a seasoned sales professional, a busy entrepreneur, or part of a dynamic team.

Here's why we think you're going to love it:

⚙️ Simple Setup: Adding the Approval Widget to your space is as easy as pie. Just upload the document you need approval for, and voilà – you're ready to go!

🖊️ Custom Buttons: Make the approval process your own by customizing the buttons. From "Yes, Count Me In!" to "Got it!" – pick whatever works best for you.

💬 Engage with Ease: Your visitors can approve documents with just a click of a button. Plus, we'll ask for their name and email so we can keep things personal and friendly.

🔒 Quick Verification: To ensure security, we'll send a one-time password (OTP) to their email for verification. It's quick, easy, and keeps everything nice and secure.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the Approval Widget today and see how it can make your life a little easier. As always, stay tuned for more updates coming your way soon! 🚀

Forward Team

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